Saturday, October 4, 2008

thank you note after funeral

Presenting a eulogy for a loved one could be the saddest thing and the most difficult public speaking endeavor you could ever experience. By celebrating the person s life, you are exposing your soul and your emotions to family members and strangers alike.

My feelings are that you should go with what feels right for you and what your departed loved one may have wanted. When you are grieving, it is normal that your thoughts are about death, but remember it is about celebrating a life lived as well. To do all this, while being coherent enough to express how deeply departed one has touched your soul and doing justice to his or her memory is a difficult task indeed.

Usually it is a family member or close friend who is asked to deliver it. You may choose to concentrate on a particular aspect of life of the deceased. You will honor their life and their memory.

Keep in mind, when writing a eulogy, this type of speech should last anywhere from four to ten minutes. Again remember, the service and eulogy is held to honor the deceased and celebrate life.

Resolution Funeral Obituary - About Funerals

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