Monday, May 25, 2009

funeral bible passages - Feddings How To

Losing a family member or close friend can be devastating and can have a lasting effect on all who knew the person who has passed. During this traumatic and emotionally overwhelming time, we will also be faced with making the arrangements necessary for funeral services.

It is at once something personal and a way to involve all of those present in remembering the good things about the life of the person who has passed on. The details that a funeral home will take care of include the care of the body, the hosting of a wake or viewing, the funeral services either there or in a place of worship and the burial. I was looking for something classy and fitting for the best mother in the world, so I went for something by Mary Elizabeth Fry which was a very fitting funeral poem.

But ensure it is not over whelming because it might upset the bereaving family. Eulogies can take a chronological approach, where the eulogist traces the person's life in the order in which it happened. During funerals, it is suggested that you ask the bereaved if you can do anything to help them.

If you find it hard to think of moving things to say, you may want to look at various sources for inspiration or short quotes to include in your speech. Giving a eulogy is an honor.

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